RollerBone Starter Cork Set


RollerBone comes for the most beautiful of all celebrations – Christmas, with their brand new RollerBone Starter Cork Set and extends their current product portfolio. Consisting of the RollerBone Starter Board with the dimensions L 64cm and W 33 cm and with a thickness of 1 cm, the RollerBone Cork Roller has a size of L 45 cm and W 10cm. The RollerBone Starter Cork Set is the right balance training tool especially for children, starters, returners and people of all ages, when it comes to improving their fitness level. The RollerBone Cork Roller has not only been made from a sustainable natural product like the Starter Board as well, but the RollerBone Cork Roller has the advantage of being able to react slower and offers the necessary adhesion to any floor coverings and makes training even safer. This makes it the ideal Christmas gift for children from 4 years onwards, to discover their balance playfully, as well as for adults to make your daily training routine even more individual. On top of this, RollerBone offers a huge variety of individual balance boards. RollerBone has a range of three different roles and accessories. RollerBone also has 6 different board designs for all ages and levels. They are especially proud of the RollerBone Shabby, which comes in a trendy surf look and is designed for all water sport athletes and all boardsports enthusiasts. The balance boards start at a cheap entry price level up to a high-end training device for experts. Have a look at their webpage for the wide variety of balance board products.

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