Ocean Pacific FW19/20 Cruiser Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  Cruisers 2019

Brand: Ocean Pacific

Ocean Pacific Cruisers


How is the situation with overstock and no-name competitors on the European market right now?
The market seems positive after a few years with overstock / low demand.

What are your main price points for next season?
Cruisers 99.95-109.95 EUR / Longboards 109,95-169,95 EUR



How can retailers generate growth and customer interest in cruisers?
Demos, Events supporting communities, creative use of cruisers, everything from transportation, to tricks, to freeride to races events


What is your collection theme and which stories are you telling to get customers stoked on cruisers with a true boardsports flavour?
A true Californian feeling, the sun, summer, beach, surf. Also adding surfskates to the collection to get that true surf-feeling. Multi-functional cruisers that are great for tricks, cruising, carving …

Are you noticing an increase in female riders? Are you targeting this segment specifically?
Yes, and yes, both size- and colour-wise we think about attracting even more female riders.

How are you helping retailers sell your cruisers and educate customers (POS displays, etc.)?
We share product descriptions and specs in the necessary languages. Also, we have product photos and a brand text description ready for our B2B customers to first educate them in what they are selling. Posters, stickers, board racks etc.


We are seeing a trend towards shorter longboards and cruisers with longboard constructions (drop-cruisers). Is that a trend you are serving?
Yes and no, we see the longboards getting both longer and shorter. But we mainly see cruisers getting longer. We will introduce cruisers both short and long, and the longboards (symmetrical drop throughs) al the wat down to 31”

Sunset Long

Sunset Long

What are the most important shapes for 2018? Are shapes getting wider?
We have everything from 7.5”-9.75”

The symmetrical drop through is still the best longboard shape.

Yes the cruisers are getting wider, they are following the popsicle trend that way.

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