Retail Buyers Guide: Wing S/S 2025 Retail Buyer’s Guide
Brand: VAYU
Interviewee: Owner
What are the main trends in Wing construction, materials and design?
From the design perspective we are working on 3 different lines, the AURA (a Freeride / Wave wing) , the EOS (Freeride / Freestyle) and the AURA X (which is the stiffer and lighter version of the AURA and made out of Aluula. The AURA X is also used for racing, which we actually also tune of double skin technologie (Oscar won the round Texel with it and made a new record) and also some new profiles and construction will be ready, which we cannot share for now. Since day one we besides shape in general, we are also playing with the seams and sort and way of seams, as this has an big impact of the behavour and stiffnes of the wing, so you can see over the past years that we change quite a lot the panel layout. Also materials wise we worked on coating of the material and cheking all of different Dacron and canopy and we are very happy to use the high standard Teijin canopy which is to me kind of the best one ion the market and they create the new Crazyrip Canopy which we are using and you will see some new combination by end of the year. On leading and middle strut material we are also very happy to be one of the first brands working with Aluula and it is amazing how stiff this material is and how much strength it gives to the wing. Also there are some new development made which helps to increase the performance next time. Besides all main canopy and dacron we still looking for new options but test needs to be done at least 6-12 month before we can go into production, so the process is pretty long. All smaller details on the wing, are also always under development, so we source a new leash material from France with a unique kind of stretch and parts for the boom, which make the wing lighter and more accessible for the future. So it is a permanent process of work.
What customer profile is driving the most product demand at the moment?
The level in all kind of regions is very different and this new sports offers so many new spots. So right now we see larger target group on lakes and flat water, but also people who are riding waves and being out on the sea. Our goal is to have a easy entry for people who enter the sport and guide them till top level in our product range.
Which of your 2024 wings have sold best and why?
Our sales are very much splitted in half, the AURA on the one hand and on the other the EOS, wich shows also that some like the more high aspect wing and other people like a more compact shape for easy handling like the EOS. The AURA X has due to the hight retail price a smaller percentage of sales.
How many wing designs will you offer in 2025 and which do you expect to grow the most?
We keep the same range for 2025, the only difference might be the race design, if the design we are working give more advantages for upwind races. Here the sport is getting more specific.
What materials and construction techniques are you using for your 2025 range?
We haven´t finalize all as there are a lot of different materials in testing. For sure it will be Aluula and Canopy of Teijin but the rest is still open, as we have a lot of materials in test and all kind of different combinations. We always really wait till last days of our internal deadline to choose the wing and material. We even pushed a release more to the back if we think we want to change something to be even better, as we want to bring the best wing on the market.
Any standout collaborations or pro models in your 2025 collection?
The AURA X is and will be always a standout product and we will mix here the best materials we can find, even the price might be higher.
How have you implemented sustainability in your production and shipping processes?
Yes this is a very important topic and we try to reduce all kind of plastic as much as possible and checking also how we can reuse left over materials for the next year. Our production facility is very advanced from electric power trgóugh solar pannels or looking for new ways to have sustainable materials. We are also testing some materials which have a high percenateg of reworked materials.
How will you support retailers to sell your 2025 wings?
Reatilers are our main base to sell our products and we are offering a large range of test events and test materials. The shops has always access to our test pool.
What order and delivery model are you offering your retailers?
We are offering from stock order, pick up at our facilty and even meet us at event. Of course though shops they can be also be shipped to the endcustomer directly.
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