Retail Buyers Guide: Snowboards F/W 2025/26 Retail Buyer’s Guide
Brand: Verdad
Interviewee: Démir Julia Founder & Creator
How was last season in the snowboard market?
With the recent overall price increases, have there been any positive developments in manufacturing, sourcing, or logistics?
Not really , production cost went up , transportation went up , importtax went up
What are the major trends you’re seeing with product pricing in the snowboard market?
Big brands manage to increase there price without any real damage in sales, since the customers buy it anyway (spending millions and millions on marketing works) But when we as a small indy brand increase the price we get questioned We don’t do it for the numbers but for the passion and love we get back from stoked customers, We maybe have to work a lot harder to convince the customer why choosing a Verdad board and not a multinational board but once they know our story , most of them stay loyal we live and die for the V and every Verdad board is a collector
E-commerce Vs. physical retail, how are you balancing both channels?
Our biggest client is one of the major E-commerce players, we lucky to have them Physical Retail is never been easy for us , the effort we have to do to get our invoice paid is an endeless story but fortunately some are good and its for those shops we do the effort
How are you supporting retailers to sell this category?
Unfortunately We have to give them a bigger margen of min 2.0 and they can change sizes if a customer is ready to buy a V board.
What unique brand messages are you focusing on for the 2025/2026 snowboard season?
That Verdad is in an Alpine state of mind, 13 years we have put the business before the snowboarding, … Now it’s the other way around, I need to ride pow, life is short
What trends or developments are you seeing with regards to board construction, shapes, and general innovation? How is this shaping your 25/26 range?
We have a complete new range 5 New shapes, 5 new cores … it’s that time! The Diamond shaped Alpine and Grand Cru are crazy The Battail on the winter is mine
Anything new concerning sustainability and related products or construction you would like to highlight?
We are bringing back the honeycomb aluminium in the light but only 2 big bands from inserts to inserts It will be in our crazy fast board the Alpine!
Are you using any new materials in your hardware for 25/26? If so, what and why? We’re interested in anything new in inserts / edges / cores / sidewalls / glue / resin/ wood types / base material / top sheet / wax / etc..
We working more with paulownia mixed with polar to reduce some weight in some of the boards Also staying true to bamboo cores since it gives an incredible good torsion to the board
Are you planning to focus on a special product range or type of customers? What’s your newest range?
If you look around the north alps, freestyle snowboarding is a dying breed In the snow parks around you only see skiers and very few snowboarders. The level of the top freestyle riders is so high only some will take the challenge You can compare it with vert skateboarding. Today For Us It’s about riding the mountain in its natural form that stands central in this new range As snowboarding evolves, the boards and riders also, so yes we focus on our customers and ourselves, and we want to ride the BC when there is pow or cruise around the slope when its hard packed. The board you put your trust in today should ride everything in the same day, from having fun on side hits to full speed descents of 45% couloirs
Key Products:
Completely new shape for the second generation of this allmountain freestyle weapon. The hybride camber starts later so the effective edge is longer for more control on harder snow but still have a light rocker for better floating in the pow. For us the spiritual side of the King Cobra stand for speed, courage and determination

Winter Is Mine:
Completely new shape for the 8th generation of the Winter is Mine series This pow gun has a battail and comes in a directional classic camber Full bamboo topsheet with triax fibers on this pure freeride beauty The design is a homage to the remains of the impressive Mer de Glace, Chamonix

This new series expresses our love and passion for the Alps We needed a board that can ride hard in any conditions and that gives you that extra confidence when riding on the edge This directional classic camber diamond shaped weapon is especially made for all those stubborn 40- 50plus purist riders who couldn’t find anything on the market that fits their very high demands and …we brought the honeycomb aluminium core back from the grave but this time only from inserts to inserts.
