Nobile S/S 22 Kiteboarding Preview

Nobile S/S 22 Kiteboarding Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  Kiteboarding S/S 22 Retail Buyer’s Guide
Brand:  Nobile
Interviewee: Jan Korycki, Event Leader

What discipline (big air, wave, foil…) has grown the most so far in 2021 and why?
For 2022 we put plenty of pressure in the development of our foil category. In all areas: wings, masts, boards and of course kites. We have created a great foil kite called The One, it is a single strut construction that suits foil riding and light wind conditions well.

What do you believe will be the main trends for 2022 in kiteboarding, in terms of riding disciplines?
We predict a constant grow in foil area, as well as in big air performance kiteboarding.Users are looking for new ideas and trying to cover most conditions in order to not waste time while on a kite trip.

Nobile S/S 22 Kiteboarding Preview

In what discipline do you expect the biggest growth in 2022 and why?
Discipline wise, we believe that foiling and wave riding will be the branches of kiteboarding that will grow the most. it is mostly dictated by weather conditions around us. Of course, mainstream kiteboarding is the twin tip beginners and intermediate users, but more experienced users will be switching to something new with regular twintips sessions – either foiling once it’s light wind, or strapless directional board riding.

Which of your Kites are selling well in 2021 and why?
This season we introduced two new models in our range. The V-Ride, and ultimate free ride machine for all riding levels and most conditions. with great hang time and quick response, it is a easy going kite for all riding levels. Second but as important it is a light wind one strut kite named The One. This kite will allow you to have fun under 10 knots. Combined with Nobile Zen Foil setup it will extend your riding conditions to almost no wind. Due to it’s ultra-light construction and great reaction and quickness The One was awarded with Curveball award.

What is new for your kite construction, materials and design for 2022?
For 2022 we’re improving our V-Ride free ride kite as well introducing the freestyle machine called The Game Changer. Hope those two kites will be well received by our group of users.

Are there any trends in terms of kite design, construction and materials that the entire industry seems to be progressing towards?
We believe that kite industry is pushing towards light wind one strut constructions. That is the reason we are promoting THE ONE so much – it is a great answer for a current demand.Be the first one one the water and enjoy the entire session.

Which of your boards are selling well in 2021 and why?
As every year our top selling board is NHP SPLIT. Splitboards are doing extremely well at Nobile, due to return of traveling many kiters are traveling abroad to their favorite remote locations, that is where splitboards come in handy.

What is new for 2022 in terms of board design, materials and construction?
In 2022 we put lot of pressure in reduction of the board range. We came up with new model NT5, it is a fusion of previous models, NBL and T5. combining all advantages of both models.Of course, we keep on using top quality materials and wood cores in order to keep the board characteristics as it was.

Nobile S/S 22 Kiteboarding Preview

Any stand out new graphics or artwork collaborations?
This 2022 collection were following the 4-season theme.

Have you implemented any new sustainable practices in your production and shipping processes?
We introduced eco resin eco edges and we’re working on eco covers for our products.

How are you helping retailers sell your product and which method of help seems to be the most effective?
Nobile is doing their best in helping retailers to push sales.This includes multiple test events, demos and photoshoots are part of the sales help we provide.

Key Products

A Universal beginner and intermediate board with flat rocker that will be your favorite low wind board.

Another edition of Nobile top selling split board model.

NHP Split Foil
Most universal board on the market. Regular twin tip, with split board option and foil attachment. Once the wind drops you change your straps and add the foil and can enjoy the same board with light wind and foil attached.

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108 Nobile Kite

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