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Many Mornings 2019 Socks Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  Socks 2019

Brand: Many Mornings
Interviewee: Founder

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What are your main price points for next season?
Regular socks 9,99 eur
Low socks 5,99 eur
Kids socks 5,99 eur

How are you segmenting your boardsports sock collection?
Lifestyle / casual

What general trends are you noticing?
We introduced to the market and focus solely on mismatched socks designs.

What is your collection theme and which stories are you telling to get customers stoked on socks with a boardsports flavour?
We don’t work with collections for seasons, we introduce 1-3 new designs every month.

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What makes this product category important to your brand and what are your USPs?
Our unique proposition is mismatched socks, two different socks in a pair.

How are you helping retailers sell your socks and educate customers (POS displays, etc.)?
We support them with a product of great quality/durability, followed with photoshoots for each design and we also run SHARE A PAIR programme – to help those in need by donating 5% of income to charity initiatives.

Please name and describe your 3 highlight pieces and items that retailers should definitely order.

Fluffy Alpaca
Fiesta Mexicana
Retro Camera

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