Nobile 2020 Kiteboards

Nobile SS20 Kiteboards

Retail Buyers Guide:  Kiteboards SS20

Brand: Nobile Kiteboarding
Interviewee: Gosia Rosiak Brawanska, Marketing Department

Nobile 2020 Kiteboards

Current Trends
What are the main trends for 2019 in the kiteboard market, in terms of board type (foil, twin tip, surf…)? Where have you seen the biggest growth so far in 2019?
While Hydrofoil boards and Wave boards sales are growing, both types are still niche compering to Twin Tips sales, which position remains very strong. On one hand you can notice specialization on TT depending on riding level, conditions you use equipment and style you prefer, on the other hand there is trend for multifunctional boards, which covers wide range of conditions. Nobile is brand that covers both TT trends. You can find all types of TT for different levels, conditions, and styles so you can adjust it perfectly your needs. Nobile also offer multifunctional boards like Infinity Split Foil which can be used as wave board or hydrofoil board plus it splits into two pieces which fits into standard Check In bag together with hydrofoil, kites, and other kiteboarding necessities. Effortless transportation is another global trend these days, and Nobile is the only brand with line of serial production splitboards ( with tools free assembling ) which make your transportation hassle and extra payment free.

We are still amazed how big demend of splitboards we see every year. This line is our bestseller and keeps growing every year. Nobile offers NHP Split and NHP Carbon Split as freestyle/freeride boards which are high performance boards ( NHP stand for Nobile High Performance ) with excellent riding properties which happens to split just to make your live easier. We call it travelling friendly solutions. We also offer Flying Carpet Split which is light wind board perfect for lakes, beginners and all these days when wind is not this strong. Another line of our splitboards is Infinity Line which includes Infinity Split and Infinity Carbon Split for wave riding and Infinity Split foil mentioned earlier for wave and hydrofoil.

Regardless models we see bigger sizes are getting better sales and we should also mention ladies specific boards as more and more woman are kiteboarding and TT for kids in smaller sizes of allround boards like T5 and smaller sizes of wake style/freestyle board 50/Fifty.

Nobile 2020 Kiteboards

Future Trends
What do you believe will be the main trends for 2020 in the kiteboard market, in terms of board type (foil, twin tip, surf)? Where do you expect the biggest growth in 2020?
We see from our research and from market insight that current trends will continue for 2020 with stable TT position, growing wave and hydrofoil boards as second board for your quiver or next level challenge and growing sizes of TT boards.

Splitboards mostly, as we implemented changes and added model which was expected by our Distributors, Dealers and final Clients. For 2020 we changed sizes of our NHP line including NHP Splits to cover wider spectrum of needs and we added bigger size of NHP Split following market demand. We also redesigned Infinity Split Foil and added NHP Split Foil – TT freeride board to be used as regular board or for hydrofoil sessions. Nobile followed this with redesigned line of G10 wings and totally new line of carbon wings – all in travelling friendly solution. We are expecting also this hydrofoil line to be growing in 2020 season.

Nobile 2020 Kiteboards

Which of your boards are selling well in 2019 and why?
We are satisfied with sales of our full range, we offer so many models that sales of each model differs depending of destination but for sure few models of boards really stands out from the crowd. Nobile kiteboards are known for high performance, innovations, high quality and big durability. We quite often see models, sometimes  more then 10 years old on the kitespots, still in good condition. This gives Nobile big credit from our Clients and every day we are working to deserve this opinion.

Another thing with differs Nobile from other brands and is tool-free Nobile Click & Go system we implemented in all our accessories which is inline with our Human Concept philosophy to construct all our product with Human adventages and limitations as main focus. You can assamble Nobile fins, footstraps, handle without screwdriver. Small thing but makes kiteboardsers life so much easier.

Our absolute bestseller among boards is NHP Split our freestyle/ freeride travelling friendly TT board. Even it cost more then regular board it pays off quickly as you are saving money on oversize luggage every time you travel to you dream kite spot. It is also convenient to fit into small cars, boats and you can even take it on your bike or motorcycle trip. It all without compromising the performance of the board.

What is new for 2020 in terms of board design and construction?
Our new baby in collection is NHP Split Foil. We at Nobile are constantly thinking about giving more travelling friendly options for our clients. If you are travelling and what to travel light still being able to cover most wing conditions during your kite trip-this is an answer. Use it as regular freeride board when windy and as Hydrofoil board when the wind goes down.

As mentioned before we changed the sizes of all our NHP Series to cover wider spectrum of needs and by adding bigger size in NHP Split series. Now you can choose from sizes 133/40, 136/40, 139/42 and 142/43 in this line.

We also changed the construction of our Infinity Split Foil. Now with ABS sandwich construction, which absorbs vibrations for smother ride and makes board more durable. We flattened the deck and added perforations on EVA pad for better feeling of the board while strapless riding.

Are there any trends in terms of design and construction that the entire industry seems to be progressing towards?
Bigger sizes, lighter but durable boards are the trend and each company is finding the own way to achieve it. Nobile do it with Advanced Flex Engineering. Nobile was first company who produced kiteboard in sandwich construction and this technology become a state of the art for us. Using wood, which is the best material for cores allows us to design and control flex of the boards in all directions: lengthwise, transversally and within the torsion. We are able to achieve any given rigidity and flex in the part of the board where it is required without any impact or consequences when it comes to remaining integral to the board and it’s flex features.

Are you using any eco materials and/or environmentally friendly processes in your board construction?
Thanx to APS we are using 10% less material than in standard boards. We do not put laquer on our kiteboards what saves a lot use of chamicals. As Nobile HQ are in same building as NBL Sport Factory, where our boards are produced we are saving our carbon footprint on transportation plus we cooperate close with production on material saving solutions, to produce as little scraps as possible. Factory uses wood from certified sources and cooperates with best European material vendors who uses high standards following European low. Where possible NBL Sport uses local vendors plus the heating of all factory including pressing processes is based on scobs which comes from woodcore production process from our local vendors.

Sustainability is very important issue for Nobile and NBL Sport and we are currently testing new materials and technologies to hopefully implement them in near future.

Aesthetics / Pro Riders             
Any stand out new graphics or artwork collaborations?
Nobile Ocean Drive 2020 Collection
On the one hand here at Nobile, we focus on the technical side: expertise, know-how, patents, innovations, science and engineering. And on the other hand, we focus on the creative elements that feed into our thinking – industrial design, nature, art.

When we travel to these distant places, behind the perfect winds, behind the dream location, there is a further story. Throughout our journeys around the world we are inspired not only by the nature that surrounds us, but also the culture and the lifestyle of the places we visit… their climate, their architecture, their art and design, in the broadest sense.

For the Nobile 2020 collection, we were inspired by the beautiful Ocean Drive in Miami Beach, a historic street with the world’s largest array of Art Deco architecture… a place where, during the daytime, you can kite alongside the beautiful soft sands of South Beach, its shores lined by palm trees and sun worshippers, and come the evening, embrace the vibrant nightlife, passing amongst the colorful townhouses with your friends, bathed in every shade of neon light, stopping to sip at wildly elaborate cocktails while admiring this spot’s unique aesthetic, the vintage cars, and the oozing of style at every corner.

The Art Deco period was somewhat of a renaissance in modern design, where the function and the influence of the object on the physical and social environment of man was considered and applied. It was a conscious attempt to create a style that borrowed from the past, but also looked forward to the fast-approaching future, anticipating the requirements of large-scale production and the proliferation in modern media that could capture this nascent style. However, in contradiction to the requirements of mass production, the Art Deco architects paid detailed attention to every aspect of their work, with an aim to creating the perfect finished product.

This approach, emphasizing the practicality of objects while paying attention to the quality of the materials, the details, and the finish, sits hand in hand with Nobile’s creative philosophy.

In our 2020 Ocean Drive collection, we have been inspired by the characteristic patterns, typography and Art Deco architecture that remains present on Miami Beach’s Ocean Drive, bathed in the bright neon lights, surrounded by the classic cars, steeped in beachside culture.

How important is it to your brand to have Pro Models and how much freedom do the pros have in terms of graphics? And in terms of design?
Nobile do not have pro models in our line, which doesn’t mean we do not take riders feedback into consideration.  We believe that you can not make a serial production board according to one person opinion or preferences. This is why we are collecting feedback from all our professional  riders, but also form instructors, kite schools owners, from test events and all feedback we are getting from our B2B partners. While constructing for example 50/Fifty board which is pro wake style board we make a lot test with different riders and we put it all together to archive a board which will satisfy all of them but also not to be to extreme for many other advanced but not pro kiteboarders. Same we did when designing our hydrofoil products. Tested by professionals but designed for all enthusiasts out there.    

Retailer Help
How are you helping retailers sell your product and which method of help seems to be the most effective?
There is no one good method for everybody and we are adjusting methods to local needs.

Global marketing, social media support and convenient B2B platform are basic things. We are present at trade shows, testivals but we also organize Demo Tour Demo Days, Events, local riders support etc. We are working close with our distributors and dealers to adjust our actions in most effective way. 

Key Products
Tell us about your 2 key products for 2020 and why you think they will be great sellers
If we have to choose only two I would say NHP Split and NHP Split Foil, because they have all advantages of high performance boards plus travelling friendly, cost saving, hassle free option, while NHP Split could be your only board to cover all wind conditions during your kite trips.

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