CrazyFly SS20 Kiteboards
Retail Buyers Guide: Kiteboards SS20
Brand: CrazyFly Kiteboarding
Interviewee: Juraj Bukovcak, Sales and marketing
Current Trends
What are the main trends for 2019 in the kiteboard market, in terms of board type (foil, twin tip, surf…)? Where have you seen the biggest growth so far in 2019?
The main trend is definitely foil. We have a lot of demand and are also developing quite a few new foil products. We also added new sizes to our foil boards due to high demand.
Sales are growing the most in European Union. Our premium full carbon twin tip technology ultra small foil board has seen the biggest growth in sales (the CrazyFly F-lite foil board). Looks like experienced foilers are willing to spend more on high quality gear.
Future Trends
What do you believe will be the main trends for 2020 in the kiteboard market, in terms of board type (foil, twin tip, surf)? Where do you expect the biggest growth in 2020?
I believe we are catching the new trend which is big air. We added a brand new big air twin tip to our range for 2020. This discipline is proving to be more and more popular.
European Union.
Which of your boards are selling well in 2019 and why? What is new for 2020 in terms of board design and construction? Are there any trends in terms of design and construction that the entire industry seems to be progressing towards?
Mainly our premium board are selling well. Full carbon models. We have always been known for high quality premium boards and work hard to maintain this image. I think our premium boards have been a step ahead of competitors and this is why sales have been growing.
We are using a brand new carbon weave for the brand new big air board for 2020. We also have brand new sidewalls and injected carbon fins. However, I do not wish to specify the materials.
Injected carbon is starting to appear more and more and in various products. Ranging from foil wings to control bar parts, binding parts, fins etc.
Are you using any eco materials and/or environmentally friendly processes in your board construction?
This year we changed to all paper, fully recyclable packaging. In terms of materials, all our boards use a Paulownia wood core. Paulownia trees can be cut down after three years and grow extremely fast. For every tree our supplier cuts down for us, they plant two. We also use clean electricity from a water power plant less than 1km from our factory.
Aesthetics / Pro Riders
Any stand out new graphics or artwork collaborations? How important is it to your brand to have Pro Models and how much freedom do the pros have in terms of graphics? And in terms of design?
Not at the moment.
We design products with Pro riders, however, we do not carry the name of the rider on the product, as riders fluctuate too often. We always say with which rider the product has been developed, or market it as the choice of the particular rider. We think it is important to have good riders presenting our products. Graphics are always done inhouse by our graphic staff. Team riders influence the board shape and construction, but not graphics.
Key Products
Tell us about your 2 key products for 2020 and why you think they will be great sellers
The brand new Raptor Extreme sales have kicked off really well, as was expected. Big air is becoming more popular. Even average riders can and want to jump higher. The Raptor Extreme offers the best pop ever and helps riders jump higher. The F-lite foil board has seen a big increase in sales last year and we expect it to continue grow even more in 2020. More riders are entering the foil segment, so we expect the sales to grow.