Loaded 2022 Longboards Preview

Loaded 2022 Longboards Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  Longboards 2022 Retail Buyer’s Guide
Brand:  Loaded
Interviewee: Pablo Castro

Have supply chain issues and delivery issues been resolved yet? 
We do most of our manufacturing in the US so for us it’s been relatively smooth.  There are still issues here and there but it’s definitely much better than before–although shipping costs are still a major factor for everyone.

Are you applying any new technology to your hardware that we should look out for?
We spent much of early Covid updating our in-house R&D abilities and working on new products.  There’s a ton in the works.  Major efforts are on refined composite construction and unique functional shapes and contours.

Loaded 2022 Longboards

Now that events are beginning to happen again, are you focusing more of your marketing on them?
Very much.  We believe that bringing people together “post-covid” and in the fractured environment is more important than ever for everyone.

What big events should we look out for?
We will continue promoting weekly Dock Sessions in many cities worldwide (Paris, France; Venice, California, Switzerland, Colombia, Korea, etc) https://www.instagram.com/docksession/

What are your collection themes for 2022 and what stories are you most proud of?
We’re excited for the growing longboard scene.  We’ve been seeing new interesting brands pop up and are stoked at all the creativity and excited to see where it goes. We expect to see continued innovations coming from all ends of the industry.  On our end, we’re exploring the extremes:  new short and long decks launching and new small and x-large wheels coming.

Loaded 2022 Longboards

What shapes and board sizes are currently trending?
Dancing continues to be strong and has been growing worldwide. We’ve also seen a lot of renewed interest in carving boards and transportation-oriented skateboards.

Is sustainability a focus for this year? If so, how?
Always. Most of our line uses Entropy bio-resin and we are expanding the use of bamboo and basalt to more and more of our lineup.

Loaded 2022 Longboards

What are the Longboard must-haves for retailers to get in the coming year?
Dancers, carver and cruisers, as well as premium quality accessories like bearings and hardware.

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