Otis Eyewear 2018 Sunglasses Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  Sunglasses 2018

Brand: Otis Eyewear
Interviewee: Scott Lewis, Global Brand Manager



What are the current big trends with boardsport sunglasses retailers need for 2018?
We see a combination of premium quality, wearable classic styles in acetate alongside active-lifestyle product in nylons and Grilamid. Stores servicing all customer types, not just active consumers.

What are your main price points for next season?
Euro 140.00 – 180.00 including our premium polarized product in mineral glass. For our top L.I.T lens Euro 200.00

How are you segmenting your sunglasses collection?
We focus on three main segments; our Premium hand-made acetate product, our Women’s collection, and our core active- lifestyle product made in injection-moulded Grilamid. We also have a beautiful premium optical collection launching in 2019.


What are your main stories in terms of styles and materials for 2018?
We have used naturally-sourced and recyclable mineral glass in every style we have ever made since we began production in 2000. Mineral glass remains our focus as it is by far the most scratch-resistant lens material available. Combined this lens quality with hand-made and biodegradable acetates, Italian components and strong, understated design, you have OTIS

What makes this product category important to your brand?
Making a beautiful classic, premium and wearable frames combined with the optical quality and sustainability of high-quality mineral glass lens makes OTIS absolutely unique. Our design and quality ethos talks to heritage of the brand (OTIS was founded by surfers in the deserts and harsh landscapes of south-west Western Australia). Style and substance!


What are your talking points with POS? Anything special you’re doing to sell help retailers sell/present your product (packaging/displays)?
We have an epic scratch-test video that is included in all our sunglass cabinets at retail and on our websites, plus we have a physical scratch-test kit in our retail cabinets that consumers can use and see for themselves the quality and scratch-resistance of mineral glass. In 2018 we are also launching our light-enhancing L.I.T lens so we have some amazing POS to support LIT.


What are the main features customers demand from boardsports sunglasses?
Our experience tells us consumers want classic wearability, with high quality and NO NONSENSE! Sunglasses that look great can take a beating travelling and that you don’t have to worry about scratching. This is our area.

Which technical features are you the most proud of?
Designing and manufacturing eyewear using mineral glass exclusively is hard and requires a commitment to quality design and engineering most eyewear brand cannot give. We are very proud to call ourselves pioneers and innovators in the use of mineral glass, a material widely recognized as the best lens material in the world.


What is the trend in terms of frame materials?
Of course we are working very hard to eliminate and reduce the use of chemicals and plastic in our eyewear production, and because we use mineral glass, have always used mineral glass, we are close to being the first 360-degree recyclable eyewear brand because we have already eliminated the use of petroleum-based plastics (polycarbonate) in our lenses. We are working with our suppliers on biodegradable frame materials, as well of course of using the best frame materials possible.

How about lenses?
We use premium mineral glass lenses exclusively, the most durable and the only naturally- sourced and recyclable lens material on the planet.


Please name and describe your 3 highlight pieces and items that retailers should definitely order.
Omar in matte dark tort acetate: A classic wearable round frame, fits all faces

Casa Bay in L.I.T Polarized: Superbly fitting active lifestyle eyewear


Little Lies in vintage tortoise: A girl’s classic!

Brand Previews


Retail Buyer’s Guides


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