Nidecker 2023/24 Splitboarding Preview

Nidecker 2023/24 Splitboarding Preview

Retail Buyers Guide:  Splitboarding 2023/24 Retail Buyer‘s Guide
Brand:  Nidecker
Interviewee: Antoine FLOQUET, Snowboard Category Manager

Please provide an overview of how 2023/24 is shaping up for your brand within the splitboard market.
Winter w24 looks very promising!
We just introduced our first splitboard in the Nidecker line this season (22/23) and orders went very well. BTW our Escape Split just won Whitelines Best Splitboard Award, we’re so stocked, so great for a first year launch and first split in our line !
Super stocked about this introduction into our line, and it comes together with pre-cut skins made in collaboration with the Swiss manufacturer Pomoca.

Everyone has been affected by raw materials and shipping prices increases and transport issues. Have you had to make any significant changes with regards to manufacturing, sourcing, or logistics? Are there any examples you can share of how your business pivoted effectively? Any positive developments with regards to these issues and the changes you’ve made?
Industry is made of materials surprises & logistics issues. It indeed was a bit tougher this year though nothing we can’t manage. We stick to our trusted partners & suppliers to deliver the best quality and managed to avoid any swap to downgraded options.

After two years of heavy carry over in the industry and more of a return to normalcy last season, what’s your overall sales and production/inventory strategy for 23/24?
We have a carry over/forward strategy set up for a while now, kept it throughout the Covid period, and is still in demand for the coming years . It seems like it makes our order shift smooth & healty, we anticipate productions and have early deliveries, so it makes everyone happy. As long as the strategy is well announced towards everyone and we stick to the plan, we’re totally in line with our distributors, retailers and business model.

Do you anticipate any shifts in the ratio of e-commerce sales vs. brick-and-mortar sales now that most Covid-19 restrictions are gone? For selling splitboard equipment, are brick-and-mortar retailers especially important?
We believe into brick and mortar which is a healthy key stone of our distribution strategy. Of course e-com grows organically and the market balance itself naturally within these two canals. Avid-nerdy-splitboarders who have bought multiple splits in the past and have run Thousands D+ and watch for any available tech reviews are for sure confident into buying online their gear without much advise. Though most of the split market is still willing to have more advise on the perfect set up which would fit their need and way of riding up & downhill.

Does your brand have any new developments concerning sustainability and/or how you are positioning any environmental messaging?
Nidecker is a proud member of 1% for the Planet and sustainability is in our habits for a while ! We organize our annual “Stash the Trash Tour” before Summer holidays, we use green materials like bio-resins or local wood-cores & work hand-in-hand with our suppliers to help their energy-transition towards more efficiency, less wastes & lower carbon footprint. Did I mention our HQ now runs 100% solar powered and is Carbon neutral ?

What about new board construction, innovation, or shape trends? Any big advancements in functionality? Skinning, transitions, etc, as well as riding? Any specific effort on ranges for 23/24? If yes, where and why?
We successfully launched our Escape Split being a carry Forward model w23 to w24, so it’s not changing for w24. We believe changes are more impactful when not only cosmetics and are working on technical & weight reduction updates for w25. In the meantime, we let the winning team (Escape Split) in charge a second year in a row.

Are you using any new materials in your splitboard for 23/24? If so, what, and why?
We did a major push for w22/23 on our Escape Split and didn’t change the recipe for w23/24. In the meantime, we tweak, test and repeat it for an even

Any new design or pattern approaches in your 23/24 gear? Any collabs on the line?
Our Escape Split comes together with pre-cut skins made in collaboration with the Swiss manufacturer Pomoca. We’re very happy to work with such a renowned brand and close friends.

Will you be using any previously unseen materials (in outer shell, reinforcement, cushioning, support or grip) or construction methods?
Our Index boot model is made for the adventurers, the ones who’ll probably get off the tracks and explore the whole backcountry. For them we built a solid & bulletproof boot with double boa & a gaiter to make sure you’ll hike dry & ride all day long or over an expedition.

Any liner story or program you plan to highlight for 23/24?
Not specifically regarding splitboarding, though most of the boot upgrades are explained in the Boot questionnaire.

What lacing systems are your main focus in 23/24 and why? Where does BOA fit in your overall strategy and focus?
Not specifically regarding splitboarding, though most of the boot upgrades are explained in the Boot questionnaire.

Any new design or pattern approaches in your 23/24 gear? Any collabs on the line?
Not specifically regarding splitboarding, though most of the boot upgrades are explained in the Boot questionnaire.

Skins, Poles, Crampons, anything new and outstanding in your proposal?
Our Escape Split comes together with pre-cut skins made in collaboration with the Swiss manufacturer Pomoca. We’re very happy to work with such a renowned brand and close friends.

What are your top product marketing stories for next season?
Our Escape Split has just been Awarded “Best Splitboard” by Whitelines, so we’ll push the word and good news ! A big part of our Team Riders love this split and will bring it to some of the best dream-riding places. Subscribe our socials to check this out.

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Nidecker just introduced its first ever splitboard, the Escape Split, and it just won the Best Splitboard Title (Whitelines)! We made it simple but better, not supertechy but super reliable, just like your best friend to hang out both up & down hill.

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